Beauty can sometimes be a very socially- constructed negative idea, but I believe that the idea of beauty and being able to see beauty in others is very important. It is our distinct individuality embedded within everyone that makes us as humans beautiful. The paintings express how each unique person comprises our beautiful and diverse world, and that is why my central idea for my concentration is to portray how beauty creates unity of people around the world.
My work consists of portraits of a variety of different walks of life ranging from many different ethnicities, lifestyles, health conditions, etc. Each individual is essential to making up our harmonic world. Covering a vast array of people was crucial to developing my idea of unity, because it is all our striking, yet beautiful, differences that unite humanity. In each painting, I depicted this idea by creating each piece with simple and small designs to create a textured like look rather a smooth and blended look. These small lines or designs that comprised of each piece are what made each piece a whole. This is much like how each person, no matter how big or small, is a part of and composes our globe of beautiful people. Each mark in the piece comes together to create a textured look. The texture symbolizes how each person in this world is different creating a variety of people rather than the world being filled with similar people making the painting smooth. Each person in this world matters because they are beautiful in their own unique way. If I would have missed a mark in one of my paintings, it would be noticeable, like how each person contributes to the world, each mark contributes to the painting. Each piece along with all the pieces together as a whole symbolizes unity within this beautiful world.

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